Transport is changing. Greater demands on transport systems require fresh-thinking and an innovative approach to energy management solutions.
Utilising our significant expertise in power systems, our range of transport solutions have been designed to offer optimum performance and support the drive to net zero.
From traction technology that enhances rail travel, to EV charging solutions providing high-capacity, ultra-rapid, EV charging, our solutions have been engineered to perform.
Backed by expert technical support, we also offer engineering solutions, a
comprehensive service including design, construction, and the commissioning of electrical infrastructure within the UK distribution network.

Solutions for Transport

Speak to our team
BRUSH has a global reputation for service excellence and dedicated customer support. With a wealth of experience spanning almost 150 years and significant in-house knowledge and expertise, our commitment to excellence is backed by experience and knowledge.
Whether it’s the provision of parts, the delivery of service support in the field, at the customer’s premises or at our network of service workshops, our team of highly experienced engineers are on hand to support.